Charles Deason
Texline High School
Charles is the 17-year-old son of Micah and Julie Deason, who are members in XIT’s Texline Exchange. He is a senior at Texline High School. Charles plans on attending West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science. After getting his degree, Charles would like to attend The Palmer College of Chiropractic. After completing all of his education, Charles would like to open his own chiropractic practice. |

Charles Deason
Kenzie Dennis
Texline High School
Kenzie is the 17-year-old daughter of Dwayne Dennis and Sami Dennis. The Dennises are members in XIT’s Bunkerhill Exchange. Kenzie is a senior at Texline High School. She plans to attend West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts with a major in Theatre. She would like to teach English and Theatre in a small school, similar to the size of Texline, after completing her education. |

Kenzie Dennis
Bailey Dettle
Dalhart High School
Bailey is the 18-year-old daughter of Martin and Shannon Dettle, who are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. She is a senior at Dalhart High School. Bailey listed the school she plans to attend as Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. However, she is still considering Colorado State University in Fort Collin, Colorado. She plans to get a Master’s Degree in Accounting and to become a Certified Public Accountant. She would like to work in a business or large accounting firm and one day open her own office. |
Bailey Dettle |
Kaden Kemp
Dalhart High School
Kaden is the 17-year-old son of Kyle and Taysha Kemp. The Kemps are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. Kaden is a senior at Dalhart High School. He plans to attend Oklahoma Panhandle State University in Goodwell, Oklahoma to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Agronomy. He plans on working as an agronomist and would one day like to own and farm some land of his own. |

Kaden Kemp
Kenlee McBryde
Stratford High School
Kenlee is the 18-year-old daughter of Brad and Kaci McBryde, who are members in XIT’s Lautz Exchange. She is a senior at Stratford High School. Kenlee plans to attend Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. She would like to be an elementary school teacher.

Kenlee McBryde
Ty McBryde
Stratford High School
Ty is the 18-year-old son of Gared and Misti McBryde, who are members in XIT’s Lautz Exchange. He is a senior at Stratford High School. Ty plans to attend Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma to obtain a Pre-Med Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Ex- ercise Science before attending medical school. He would like to be an orthopedic surgeon or be a team physician for a professional or collegiate sports team. |

Ty McBryde
Walker McBryde
Stratford High School
Walker is the 18-year-old son of Gared and Misti McBryde. The McBrydes are members in XIT’s Lautz Exchange. He is a senior at Stratford High School. Walker plans on attending Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science. He then plans to further his education by attending veterinary school and wants open his own veterinary practice. |

Walker McBryde
Natalie McDaniel
Dalhart High School
Natalie is the 18-year-old daughter of Shad and Jennifer McDaniel, who are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. She is a senior at Dalhart High School. Natalie plans to attend Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Science. She then plans to further her education in medical/dental school to become a dentist. |

Natalie McDaniel
Auston Proctor
Dalhart High School
Auston is the 18-year-old son of Randall and Audra Proctor. The Proctors are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. He is a senior at Dalhart High School. Auston plans on attending Frank Phillips College in Dalhart, Texas to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Agribusiness. He also plans to obtain his welding certification. He would like to have a job in management at a feed yard or other agricultural business, or possibly become a game warden. |

Auston Proctor
Jacob Sanchez
Stratford High School
Jacob is the 18-year-old son of Daniel and Maria Sanchez, who are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. He is a senior at Stratford High School. Jacob plans to attend West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing. He would like to eventually become a Marketing Manager for a large business or corporation. |

Jacob Sanchez
Arthur Schartz
Dalhart High School
Arthur is the 18-year-old son of Bill and Sayra Schartz, who are members in XIT’s Bunkerhill Exchange. He is a senior at Dalhart High School. Arthur plans to attend West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems, with a minor in Accounting. He wants to work in the technology field for a busi- ness after completing his education. |

Arthur Schartz
Cody Stephens
HomeLife Academy
Cody is the 18-year-old son of Scott and Julie Stephens. The Stephens are members in XIT’s Coldwater Exchange. Cody is a senior and is homeschooled through HomeLife Academy. He plans to attend Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Science and then proceed into a radiology program. He plans on becoming an X-ray technician, specializing in nuclear radiology. |

Cody Stephens
Maggie Trujillo
Texline High School
Maggie is 18-years old and is a senior at Texline High School. Her guardians are Shane and Amanda Greene, who are members in XIT’s Texline Exchange. Maggie plans on attending the University of Houston Clear Lake in Houston, Texas to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry or Biology before continuing onto medical school. She would like to be a cardiac or trauma surgeon after completing her education. |

Maggie Trujillo